Fire Hydrant Flushing

The Water and Wastewater Services Department flushes fire hydrants throughout Ponoka from May to October, weather pending.

Fire Hydrant

What is Fire Hydrant Flushing?

Fire hydrant flushing is the quick release of water from fire hydrants. It is a controlled process that is vital to the general maintenance of the Town’s water distribution system. It ensures that adequate water flow and pressure is available to residents, businesses and firefighters. 

Fire hydrant flushing also helps maintain water clarity and quality by stirring up any minerals and deposits in the pipes before clearing them out. 

Water May Appear Cloudy or Brown

Water in your home may appear cloudy or brown when Town crews are flushing fire hydrants in your neighbourhood. This water is still safe to use and consume, but it may stain laundry.

Please wait until flushing in your area has subsided, then run an inside and/or outside tap for a short time to clear the discoloured water.