Councillor Cal David

Cal David - CouncillorI know that I made the right choice in calling Ponoka home. Ponoka has the unique advantage of maintaining community wholesomeness while still being connected within the heart of urban Alberta. When I see the passion of our residents, I recognize the love and the energy that unites us to ensure that Ponoka continues to grow while maintaining its deep-rooted culture and history.

Contact Information

Phone: 403-913-4784
#200, 5604 50 Street
Ponoka, AB T4J 1G5


  • Worked as a physiotherapist in many locations before calling Ponoka home including:
    • Natal, South Africa;
    • London, England; and 
    • Coronation, Alberta.
  • Met his wife Karen in Ponoka and have been together for over 27 years. 
  • Cal has two children, Emily and Josh who were both born at the Ponoka General Hospital.

Council Standing Committee Appointments


  • Ponoka Jubilee Library Board
  • Parkland Regional Library Board
  • Family and Community Support Services Board
  • Campus Alberta Central

Current Occupation

  • Part-time Physiotherapist


  • Graduated in 1989 with a Degree in Physiotherapy from the University of Durban-Westville in South Africa.
  • Attained an Acupuncture Certificate in 1996 from the Acupuncture Foundation of Canada.
  • Certificate in Diagnostic Imaging in Physical Therapy Practice from the University of Alberta.

Community Involvement

  • Coached minor soccer in Ponoka since 1993.
  • Volunteered on the inaugural Police Advisory Board, Ponoka Minor Soccer, Ponoka Minor Hockey, Central Alberta Soccer Referee, Ponoka Golf Course and Physiotherapy Alberta Review Committee.

Personal Interests

  • Enjoys mentoring soccer referees.
  • Loves landscape and light photography.